Inner Beauty Speech By Princess Olatorera Majekodunmi-Oniru

Today’s topic is Beauty. Skin deep beauty that radiates from inside-out.

The global beauty and personal care industry is a half a trillion dollar market growing by 5% annually – credited partly to social media and meticulous advertising. The pressure to meet certain beauty standards has led to excessive skincare regimens, uncountable cosmetics, and a wide range of invasive treatments, creating a cycle of dependency on commercial determinants of which many women are unbelievably addicted to – especially after a certain age.

Indeed, there is so much power in beauty. When we radiate beauty outwardly and deep within, we embody the majestic power to move mountains. But, who determines beauty? The powerful trio of self-love, confidence and organic self-care, have the most intense power to reflect true beauty that extends far beyond the products we use, and far beyond what our eyes can see, which is, the most captivating form of beauty that endures all times and all seasons.

Beauty should never diminish based on the opinion of others but strengthened through good manners and a golden heart full of love. Beauty that radiates confidence, internal purity, nature and intelligence has been said to be most desirable. This level of inner beauty, characterized by empathy and genuine goodness, projects a timeless attraction.

Long story short, natural beauty, clean beauty, skinmalism, tech-based beauty, dressing table full of products, whatever your beauty status or regimen or choices are today, the truth is, we all have beauty deep within our souls which should be projected elegantly as we navigate a world full of imperfections.

Olatorera’s Concluding Speech on Inner Beauty:

As we navigate the complexities of our modern world, we must stand tall in our authenticity, recognizing the strength in our natural beauty and appreciating the uniqueness in every human while fostering a society where we are all recognized and celebrated for the diversity, and unique beauty, that we individually contribute to today’s complex world. My name is Olatorera Majekodunmi-Oniru and I love all things Greater Humanity.

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