Facebook’s edge over competitors
If you’re unfamiliar with Marketplace, you’re far from alone. It’s a relatively new feature on the Facebook app, working somewhat similarly to Craigslist with one exception — you can actually see who is selling the product.
Anything you buy has the potential to be connected by eight degrees of social media separation. Buying something from a friend of a friend adds a certain level of trust, which isn’t often present on the likes of Craigslist or eBay. In short, Facebook Marketplace doesn’t feel like such a gamble.
You’ll also enjoy the added functionality of Messenger. When you want to learn more about an item or haggle over price, Marketplace connects you right to Facebook’s texting app. No need to hop on your email and wait for a reply.
Does this spell the end for other ecommerce platforms?
Not likely. It’s difficult to change user behavior from social media to shopping. Though plenty of people already participate in buy-and-sell groups on Facebook, people don’t often head to this platform on the hunt for a 1970s toaster oven — they hit up eBay for that.
If you’re an ecommerce startup, consider creating a Shopify store and hosting your products on your Facebook page. Unlike other social media platforms, Facebook offers the ability to buy products directly from a fan page. Using a platform such as Shopify allows you to sell products not only on your site, but on other channels, such as Facebook fan pages.
Culled From: Entrepreneur.com. Written by Brent Freeman