Why Is Africa A Cemetery To Africans And A Gold Mine To Foreigners?

In November 2018, a viral post attributed the following quote to the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. ““When an African becomes rich, his bank accounts are in Switzerland. He travels to France for Medical treatment. He invests in Germany. He buys from Dubai. He consumes Chinese. He prays in Rome or Mecca. His children study in Europe. He travels to Canada, USA, Europe for tourism. If he dies, he will be buried in his native country of Africa. Africa is just a cemetery for Africans. How can a cemetery be developed?”

Very truly, Africans are least successful in Africa with over 70% of citizens living in insane poverty-stricken conditions; and foreigners are most successful living large within Africa and investing outwards of Africa. Why is this? Africa is a cemetery to Africans and a gold mine to foreigners because the continent has been torn with extremely poor leadership since colonization era. Leaders with low self-esteem, little love for their people and minimal knowledge to think and innovate. The future of developed Africa is ahead. We can and we will develop Africa as soon as more capable, passionate leaders such as Paul Kagame are in power. The under-developed cemetery called Africa is such only to illiterate leaders who embezzle funds to invest in countries they retardedly idolize. Africa can and will be developed when power changes hands from corrupt illiterates to more progressive leaders.

africa is a cemetery vladimir putin
Africa is a cemetery Vladimir Putin


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The Olatorera Consultancy brand has grown from an ambitious solo-preneur to a team of over 50 people highly assertive on providing the seal and stamp of “Africa’s Best” to great businesses in Africa and beyond. Chief Executive Consultant, Olatorera Oniru is very passionate about seeing businesses succeed and operate optimally. She is also notably passionate about witnessing Africa transformed into one of the world’s greatest continents. Olatorera Consultancy has an annual outline of businesses we work with. We currently do not accept unsolicited applications. To network with the team at Olatorera Consultancy Limited, please add your company to the reviews page here. An Olatorera Consultancy company representative may be in touch with you shortly after reviewing your company’s readiness for business consultation services.

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6 thoughts on “Why Is Africa A Cemetery To Africans And A Gold Mine To Foreigners?

  1. The quote by Vladimir Putin is succinctly sufficient as to the reason why Africa is how she is.

    Power doesn’t just need to change hands, we need to start intentionally cultivating honesty and integrity as well as everyone understanding the need (and simultaneously pushing) for excellence in whatsoever we individually do.

    Tis not just the leaders but, every single one of us….

  2. i followed this post from linkedin when i saw the headline.Well i have always been one of those that believe that Africa can be great if those in in a committed and disciple enough to do so,Take a look at what is happening in Rwanda, Despite his style of leadership,there current president is giving the people the evidence of Good governance.
    And another thing is when the people do not have the fear of GOD Almighty (Some will doubt this) in there eyes,then corruption will be the order of the day

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