25+ International Humanitarian Organizations In Africa

Extensive list of organizations you can turn to when faced with issues related to human rights abuses, extreme poverty, lawlessness and torment.

List Of International Organizations That Promote and Support Fair Human Rights:

Amnesty International (Internat’l)

Through detailed research and determined campaigning, help fight abuses of human rights worldwide.

DC Office:

600 Pennsylvania Ave, SE 5th Floor

Washington, DC 20003

Telephone: 202-544-0200

Fax: 202-546-7142

Email: [email protected]

Find closest office: https://www.amnesty.org/en/about-us/contact/ 

Website: https://www.amnesty.org/en/

International Committee of the Red Cross (International)

Helps people affected by armed conflict, responds to disasters in conflict zones

19 Avenue de la paix 1202 Geneva Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 734 60 01

Fax: +41 22 733 20 57

Email through website: https://www.icrc.org/en/contact 

Website: https://www.icrc.org/

Church World Service, Africa

Faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster.

P.O. Box 14176-00800 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 444 2204 / 0652
Fax: +254 20 445 6066
Email: [email protected] 
Website: www.cwsafrica.org 

International Rescue Committee (International)

Responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

122 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10168-1289 USA
Tel: + 1 212 551 3000
Fax: + 1 212 551 3179

Website: http://www.rescue.org/


UN High Commission for Refugees (International)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt

Telephone: +44 20 3761 9500

Fax: +41 22 739 7377

Email through website: http://www.unhcr.org/uk/contact-form.html 

Find a field office: http://www.unhcr.org/uk/contact-us.html 

Website: www.unhcr.org  

Services social international, Genève (Social Service International, Geneva Office) (International)

Legal service regarding asylum law and foreign law (financial participation is required). Specialization in minors. *Appointment necessary

Headquarters: 9, rue du Valais Case Postale 1469 1211 Geneva 1

Telephone: +41 22 731 67 00

Fax: ++ 41 22 731 67 65

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.ssiss.ch/ 

American Immigration Council (For Those Seeking Asylum in the United States)

Detailed information regarding the process of applying for asylum in the U.S., as well as the criteria and different types of asylum.

American Immigration Council 1331 G St. NW Suite 200 Washington, D.C., 20005
Tel: (202) 507-7500

Website: https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/asylum-united-states

Asylum Access (International – Tanzania Office)

Provides personalized legal assistance by helping refugee communities organize to assert their human rights. They also challenge governments and the UN to develop and promote lasting solutions, shifting the focus from emergency aid to approaches that restore power and agency to refugee men and women.

Postal Address: P. O. Box 33035 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
        Physical Address: Asylum Access – Tanzania Just off Coca Cola Rd. Past Osama Bajaj Stand Mikocheni B Dar es Salaam, TZ

Telephone: +255.0222.781176, +255.788.609094, +255.769.609094, +255.718.109094

Email: [email protected] 

Humanitarian Development Consortium (South Sudan)

Strives to facilitate people-centred development programmes and to support livelihoods and create opportunities for marginalized and disadvantaged peoples.

Rock City, Jebel Kujur, Behind Toyota Centre, P.O Box 308, Juba, South Sudan

Tel: +211955895768,  +211 955 306 553, +211928330991

Website: www.hdcafrica.org 

Refugee Consortium of Kenya

Works to provide legal aid services and psycho-social counseling; engage in advocacy for policy change and to develop legislation in line with international instruments regarding refugees; and to raise awareness.


Tel: +254 733 860 669 // +254 720 943 164

Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://www.rckkenya.org/ 

Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service (Tanzania)

Works to reduce human suffering and poverty by empowering vulnerable, marginalized, and displaced communities in Tanzania to achieve self-reliance and sustainable development.

P.O. Box 3955  Plot 436 Mikocheni II  Old Bagamoyo Road Dar es Salaam  Tanzania

Tel:  +255 (0)22 270 0579/80
Fax: +255 (0)22 270 0851

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.tcrs.or.tz/ 

Refugee Law Project (Uganda)

Works to empower asylum seekers, refugees, deportees, IDPs and host communities in Uganda to enjoy their human rights and lead dignified lives.

Plot 7 Peryman Gardens, Old Kampala (Opposite Old Kampala Primary School ) P.O.Box 33903, Kampala Uganda

Tel: +256 (0) 414 343 556 // +256 (0) 414 235 330
Fax : +256 (0) 414 346 491
Email : [email protected] 
Website : www.refugeelawproject.org 


International Legal Assistance Consortium (International)

Works with member organizations to provide assistance in rebuilding justice systems that have been affected by conflict. Their website lists many member organizations that work in specific countries.

Sweden office: Signalistgatan 9, SE-169 72 SOLNA
Tel: +46 8 545 714 20
Fax: +46 8 517 110 77
Email: [email protected] 

Member Organizations: http://www.ilacnet.org/about-2/view-organisations-lista/ 

Website: http://www.ilacnet.org/ 

Legal Resource Center (Ghana)

Facilitates the establishment of human rights cities at home and abroad, conducts research, advocacy and provides advisory services including legal aid for individuals, organisations and communities.

Hse. NO. C170/14, Sapele Link, Dzorwulu

Tel/Fax: +233-302-766756

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://lrcghana.org/ 

The Legal Aid Forum (Rwanda)

Provides free legal representation to poor and vulnerable people with a focus on prevention and early resolution of legal problems.

Kimihurura KN14, KG672 P.O.Box 5225 Kigali – Rwanda

Tel: +250-252 58 0471

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://legalaidrwanda.org/ 

Legal Resource Centre (South Africa)

Pro­vides legal ser­vices for the vul­ner­a­ble and mar­gin­alised, includ­ing the poor, home­less, and land­less peo­ple and com­mu­ni­ties of South Africa who suf­fer dis­crim­i­na­tion by rea­son of race, class, gen­der, dis­abil­ity or by rea­son of social, eco­nomic, and his­tor­i­cal cir­cum­stances.

15th and 16th Floor, Bram Fis­cher Tow­ers,  20 Albert Street, Mar­shall­town, Johan­nes­burg
PO Box 9495, Johan­nes­burg 2000

Tel: +27 11 836 9831
Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://lrc.org.za/lrcarchive/ 

Legal and Human Rights Centre (Tanzania)

Create legal and human rights awareness among the public and in particular the underprivileged section of society through legal and civic education, advocacy linked with legal aid provision, research and human rights monitoring. Has two different legal aid clinics.

Kinondoni Legal Aid Clinic

Justice Mwalusanya House, Isere Street House No. 660- Kinondoni Area
        P. O. Box 79633 – Dar es Salaam
        Tel/Fax: +255 22 2761205/6
        Email: [email protected] 

Arusha Legal Aid Clinic

Olerian, Olosiva Street plot No. 116/5 Sakina Kwa Idd, Arumeru
        P.O.Box 15243 Arusha Tanzania
        Tel: +255 27 2544187
        Email: [email protected] 
Website: www.humanrights.or.tz 

Legal Resources Foundation (Zimbabwe)

Provides legal services including advice, drafting court papers on behalf of clients and employing alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in resolving disputes where possible. In more complex matters the centre lawyers represent the clients in court.

16 Oxford Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe

Tel: +263 (4) 333 707
Email through website: http://www.lrfzim.com/contact/ 

Website: http://www.lrfzim.com/ 


International Immigration Offices

Find details about office locations, services and important instructions.

Website: https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-uscis-office/international-immigration-offices

International Organization for Migration

Works towards the advancement of migrants rights, establishment of a regional dialogue, development of policies, capacity building of actors on migration management, and reduction of HIV/TB and other communicable diseases in migration communities.

West and Central Africa Office:

        Zone 3, Route des Almadies Dakar BP 16 838 Senegal
        Tel: +221 33 689 62 00
        Fax: +221 33 869 62 33
        Email: [email protected] 
        Website: http://rodakar.iom.int/oimsenegal/ 

Southern Africa Office:

        3rd Floor Sanlam Building 353 Festival Street Hatfield, 0083 Pretoria South Africa
        Tel: +27 12 342 27 89

Fax: +27 12 342 09 32
        Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://ropretoria.iom.int/ 


Caritas Mauritius

Has 40 counselling and development centres in the parishes, and two night shelters for the homeless. As well as the Hope Inn, a temporary apartment for families with housing problems, and a learning centre for young people and adults that provides educational support.

1, Rue d’Estaing Port-Louis Mauritius

Tel: +230 212 3405 // +230 212 3910

Fax: +230 212 3405

Email:         [email protected] // [email protected] 

Website: http://www.caritas.org/where-we-are/africa/mauritius/ 

Abahlali baseMjondolo (South Africa)

Shack-dwellers’ movement which is well known for its campaigning against evictions and for public housing, campaigns to improve the living conditions of poor people.

Suite 517-20 Tower B Salisbury Centre 347-351 Dr Pixley kaSeme aka West Street Durban 4001 South Africa

Tel: 031 304 6420
Fax: 031 304 6436

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://abahlali.org/ 

Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign (South Africa)

Non-racial popular movement made up of poor and oppressed communities, with the aim of fighting evictions, water cut-offs and poor health services, obtaining free electricity, securing decent housing, and opposing police brutality.

Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://westerncapeantieviction.wordpress.com/ 

The Haven Night Shelter (South Africa)

Works to make available temporary shelter rehabilitation opportunities, social welfare services, family reunification services, physical care and support to adult persons living on the streets who are committed to getting back home.

The Haven Night Shelter Head Office First Floor 2 Napier Street Cape Town 8005

Tel:  +27 (21) 425 4700
Fax: +27 (21) 425 4900
Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://www.haven.org.za/ 

Dialogue on Shelter for the Homeless (Zimbabwe)

13 Harvey Brown, Milton Park Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: (+263) 4 790935/(+263) 4 2600612-3
Fax: (+263)4 790935

Email through website: http://dialogueonshelter.co.zw/contact-us.html 

Website: http://dialogueonshelter.co.zw/ 


Médecins Sans Frontières Switzerland (Doctors Without Borders) (International)
Provides medical assistance to populations struggling to survive, i.e. during armed conflicts, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters and exclusion from care

Main office: 78, rue de Lausanne PO Box 1016 1211 Geneva 1

Tel: +41 (0) 22 849 84 84
Fax: +41 (0) 22 849 84 88
Email: [email protected] 

Website: www.msf.ch

International Medical Corps (International)

Assists those in urgent need anywhere, anytime, no matter what the conditions, providing lifesaving health care and health care-related emergency services—often within hours.

Main Office: 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 310-826-7800
Fax: 310-442-6622

DC Office: 1313 L St. NW Suite 220 Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 202-828-5155
Fax: 202-828-5156
Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://internationalmedicalcorps.org

Community Healthcare Initiative (Liberia)

Promotes healthcare services for vulnerable women and children and creates more awareness and sensitization on the prevention of diseases. Improves the rights of women focusing on the issues such as female genital mutilation, early marriage, etc.
Thinkers’ Village, RIA Highway Paynesville, Liberia

Tel: +231 777003559

Email: [email protected]  // [email protected] 

Website: http://chiliberia.org/index.php 

Uganda Network of Young People Living With HIV/AIDS

Create an enabling Environment for all young people living and affected by HIV/AIDS to meaningfully participate equally in development of programmes that improve their livelihood.

Kiwatule Plot 1247 Block 217 Kyadondo, Kampala P.O.BOX 4226

Tel: +256 776597384

Email: [email protected] 

Website: www.unypa.org 

AMREF Health Africa

Works to improve the lives of disadvantaged people in Africa through better health, bridge gaps between communities, health systems and governments, be a leading force for advocacy for health system reforms in Africa

Langata Road, P.O Box 27691 – 00506, Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 20 6993000
Fax: +254 20 609518

Email through Website: http://amref.org/contact-details/ 

Website: http://amref.org/ 


“Together we are Strong” List of Helplines (International)

List of helplines to call for a range of issues, including mental health issues, abuse, and other support lines, broken down by country.


The World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (International)

Internationally  challenges the invisibility, discrimination, social isolation and human rights violations of Users and Survivors of psychiatry.

Store Glasvej 49 5000 Odense C DENMARK
Tel: +45 66 19 45 11
Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://wnusp.rafus.dk/ 

Mind Freedom (International)

Nonprofit organization that works to win human rights and alternatives for people labeled with psychiatric disabilities.

454 Willamette, Suite 216 Eugene, OR 97401-2643 USA

Tel: (541) 345-9106

        Toll Free: 1-877-623-7743

Fax: (480) 287-8833

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.mindfreedom.org/ 

Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (International)

Provides strategic leadership in human rights advocacy, implementation and monitoring relevant to people experiencing or labeled with madness, mental health problems or trauma.

Email through Website: http://www.chrusp.org/contact 

Website: http://www.chrusp.org/ 

Africa Mental Health Foundation

Seeks to take mental health to the level of the individual and the family; to their homes or to the nearest point of care such as the community dispensary, health centre or outreach point.

Mawensi Gardens, Upperhill Nairobi, Kenya P.O. Box 48423 – 00100 Nairobi

Tel: +254 202 651 360

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.africamentalhealthfoundation.org/ 


Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ)

Safe haven where members can meet each other, establish friendships and express themselves freely. Hosts events as well as having books, magazines, journals, research studies and films on LGBTI-related themes as well as health and human rights issues.

35 Collenbrander Milton Park Harare

Tel: (04) 741736, 0772210836, 0778914542, 0772367391

Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://galz.org/ 

Outright (International)

Seeks to advance human rights and opportunities for LGBTIQ people around the world by developing partnerships at global, regional, and national levels to build capacity, document violations, advocate for inclusion and equality, and hold leaders accountable for protecting LGBTIQ rights.

80 Maiden Lane, Suite 1505 New York, NY 10038
Phone: +1 (212) 430.6054

Fax: +1 (212) 430.6060
Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://www.outrightinternational.org/ 

Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya

Works towards a society that appreciates diversity and recognizes that everyone has a right to equal opportunities irrespective of their real or perceived sexual orientation, gender and expression.
P.O.Box 13005 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel: 020-242-6060

Email through website: https://www.galck.org/contact/ 

Website: https://www.galck.org/ 

Freedom and Roam Uganda

Works to advocate for an environment where the rights of LBTI persons are respected and protected, promote and advocate for equal access to friendly, non-discriminatory and inclusive services to LBTI persons, and promote socio-economic rights and empowerment of LBTI persons in Uganda.

PO Box 501, Ntinda Kigowa, Kampala, Uganda

Tel: +256 392 176977

Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://faruganda.org/ 


Center for Victims of Torture — Africa

Through research, training, advocacy and our healing services for survivors, each initiative CVT undertakes plays a role in building a larger vision for the torture rehabilitation movement.


MAG International Building, GERJI Bole Sub City Woreda 14 Kebele 11 house no. NEW

Addis Ababa
P.O.B 24483 code 1000  
Tel: +251 (1) 16291199

Kenya: P. O. Box 573 – 00606
        Sarit Centre Nairobi, Kenya
        Email: [email protected] 

World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) (International)

Main coalition of international NGOs fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

International Secretariat: PO Box 21 8, rue du Vieux-Billard 1211 Geneva 8 Switzerland

Tel: + 41 22 809 4939

Fax: + 41 22 809 4929

Email: [email protected] 

OMCT Europe: Rue Stevin 115 1000 Brussels Belgium

Tel/Fax : +32 2 218 37 19
E-mail: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.omct.org/ 

Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) (International)

10, route de Ferney P.O. Box 137 CH-1211 Geneva 19 Switzerland

Tel: +41 (22) 919 21 70

Fax: +41 (22) 919 21 80

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.apt.ch/ 

Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Africa
Works to organise, seminars to disseminate the Robben Island Guidelines to national and regional stakeholders; to develop and propose strategies to promote and implement the Robben Island Guidelines at the national and regional levels; to promote and facilitate the implementation of the Robben Island Guidelines within member states

31 Bijilo Annex Layout, Kombo North District Western Region P.O. Box 673 Banjul The Gambia

Tel: (220) 441 05 05, 441 05 06
Fax: (220) 441 05 04
Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.achpr.org/ 


Reach Young People Uganda

Empowers, develops, protects, motivates and supports the youth to take position involvement in their personal and community development.
P.O.BOX 2274 Kampala Uganda 256

Tel: +256-782681334 // +256-701681334
Email through Website: http://www.reachyoungpeople.org/index.php/contacts 

Website: http://www.reachyoungpeople.org/ 

African Solutions to African Problems (South Africa)

Identifies rural women caring for orphans and vulnerable children in their communities and develops their skills and knowledge so that they are able to create sustainable community care centres tending to the children’s health and wellbeing.

Headquarters: Unit 4, First Floor 317 Main Road Kenilworth Cape Town 7708

Tel: +27 (0)21 761 2402
Fax: +27 (0)21 761 1848

Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://www.africansolutions.org/ 

Project Healthy Children (Tanzania)

Aims to reduce micronutrient deficiencies by providing assistance to small countries as they design and implement food fortification programs.

07th floor, Amani Place, Ohio Street, Office Park, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255.764.765.976
Email: [email protected] 

Asante Africa Foundation

Delivers a model of interconnected programs that encourage, educate, and train children. Programs are managed by local staff and delivered in concert with global support and key partners in the communities where we work.

        PO Box 8097 Arusha, Tanzania

Tel + 255 (0) 754 340 188
        Email: Ewald Tesha [email protected] 

        PO Box 696 – 20500 Narok, Kenya
        Tel: +254 (0)709 750 533
        Email: Fred Lesakale [email protected] 

Website: https://asanteafrica.org/ 


UN Women Headquarters

UN Women focuses on priority areas that are fundamental to women’s equality, and that can unlock progress across the board. Priority areas include leadership and political participation, economic empowerment, ending violence against women, and HIV/AIDS.
220 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017

Find local offices: http://www.unwomen.org/en/where-we-are/africa/regional-and-country-offices 

Tel: +1 646 781-4400
Fax: +1 646 781-4444

Website: www.unwomen.org 

Women Thrive Worldwide (international)

Works to empower grassroots women so their perspectives and solutions shape local, national, and global policies to help women and their families break free from poverty, violence, and inequality.

1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 405 Washington, DC 20009

Tel: (202) 999-4500

Email through website: http://womenthrive.org/contact 

Website: http://womenthrive.org/ 

REFDAF (Senegal)

Strives to set up a vast movement bringing together African women with the main objective of bringing about a strong and capable women’s civil society

BP 13626, Grand-Yoff Dakar SENEGAL

Tel/Fax: + 221 867 35 35

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.refdaf.org/ 

Rwanda Women’s Network

Works towards improvement of the socio-economic welfare of women in Rwanda through enhancing their efforts to meet their basic needs.

Kagugu, Mucyo Estate KG 54, off KG 482 – Kinyinya Sector (Near SOS Technical School) P.O Box 3157, Kigali, RWANDA

Tel: +250 788 334 257

Email: [email protected]  / [email protected] 

Website: http://www.rwandawomennetwork.org/index.html 

Bethany Home for Abused Women

Provides not only provide a safe haven but also provide psychological and physical rehabilitation and support, and moreover, strive to empower each woman to become self-supporting and economically independent.

Box 16612 Doornfontein, Johannesburg 2028 South Africa

Tel: 011 614 3245
Fax: 011 624 2647

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.bethanyhome.co.za/ 


International Labor Organization (International)

Works to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men.

4 route des Morillons, CH-1211, Genève 22, Switzerland

Telephone: +41 (0) 22 799 6111

Fax: +41 (0) 22 798 8685

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/lang–en/index.htm

Nigeria Labour Congress

Works to to organise, unionise and educate workers; defend and advance the political, economic, social and cultural rights of workers; emancipate from exploitation and discrimination; achieve gender justice

Plot 829/821, Labour House, Central Business District, Abuja – Nigeria.

Tel: + 234-9-6276042

Fax: +234-9-6274342

Email: [email protected] 

Website: http://www.nlcng.org/index.php 

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