African culture is undoubtedly one of the most popular in the world. Of the many African tribal communities that refuse to abandon their tradition for modernity, these are some of the most bizzare African traditions:
1. Lip Plate/ Stretching
Also referred to as Lip plugs, this tradition is common among members of the Surma tribe of Ethiopia and South Sudan, especially those living along the Omo River. The task is to drill a hole in the bottom and fit the plate around it. The plate is intended to stretch in space and be replaced with a larger one as the space expands.
2. Cattle Jumping
Boys from the Hamer tribe of Ethiopia were required to run, jump, and land on the backs of several bulls – while naked – to prove their manhood. Before a boy undergoes this kind of ritual, his friends must dance through a gathering of elders who will beat them with sticks until their bodies are completely destroyed. The girls believe that beating is a sign of loyalty to their friends.
3. Festival Of The Dead
Of course this is one of the most bizzare and arguably unhealthy traditions originally practiced by the Chewa tribe (pictured) in Malawi. When someone dies, his/her body is taken to a sanctuary. There, water is poured into the body through a hole in the throat and squeezed down to the abdomen until it comes out through the anus. This process is repeated until the water comes out clean. What is also disturbing is the fact that this water is used to prepare food for the whole tribe to eat. Enjoy.
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