5 Companies That Declared Bankruptcy During Coronavirus

Bankruptcy filings across Coronavirus-hit countries around the world are marginally increasing. Coronavirus, officially known as Covid-19, is a novel contagious infection that engulfed parts of the world in year 2020. As of March 2020, Coronavirus had killed over 3,000 people with over 100,000 positive infections worldwide. Coronavirus affected not only individuals and families, it killed companies too and limited several markets from realizing 2020 forecasts.

Top 5 Companies That Went Bankrupt Or Fell To The Lowest Brink Of Bankruptcy During Coronavirus 2020:

  1. Flybe Airline UK – DECLARED
  2. Luminous Cruise Kobe Japan – DECLARED
  3. NPC International USA (Owners of hundreds of Wendy’s & Pizza Hut Restaurants) – FINANCIALLY DOWN. ON THE BRINK OF DECLARING
  4. Peking University Founder Group Corp China – FINANCIALLY DOWN. ON THE BRINK OF DECLARING
  5. AtlasGlobal Airline Turkey – DECLARED


Push Your Dreams 2020

Want to push your dreams in today’s great-people, good-nations, technology-driven, corruption-stricken, high-potential world? You must read Olatorera Oniru’s 2018 e-book titled Push Your Dreams available now on Olatorera.com and on Amazon.com.

The Olatorera Consultancy brand has grown from an ambitious solo-preneur to a team of over 50 people highly assertive on providing the seal and stamp of “Africa’s Best” to great businesses in Africa and beyond. Chief Executive Consultant, Olatorera Oniru is very passionate about seeing businesses succeed and operate optimally. 

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