Businesses/Investments That Thrive Even Amidst Inflation

Recessions are challenging times. Many businesses during inflation may struggle financially but select businesses still thrive and grow. Businesses that do well during recessions either supply goods and services that grow in demand directly as a result of the recession, provide cheaper alternatives to luxury or big-ticket expenditures, or have relatively inflexible demand in response to fluctuations in earnings.

  1. Healthcare Providers: Healthcare is one of the few industries that is recession-proof. People get sick in good times and bad times, therefore the healthcare business is unlikely to experience setbacks.
  2. Grocery stores: People still have to eat and buy household items even during inflation. Dining out becomes a luxury for many people during a recession, people will choose to prepare more meals at home.
  3. Financial advisors and Economists: People with substantial assets want to protect their assets especially during a downturn. As people become concerned about the stability of their investments and seek advice on how to protect their holdings, financial advisors typically see an increase in activity. People seek counsel and insight on present and future economic trends, as well as recovery paths, in addition to personal finance issues. As the general public, businesses, and policymakers cope with the recession, economists, consultants, government policy advisors, and even media personalities sometimes witness a tremendous spike in demand for their services.
  4. Real Estate: Real estate is both a tangible asset and one that appreciates in value. Land and property values, like commodities, tend to rise in tandem with inflation.
  5. Stocks: In general, stock returns outperform inflation. Rising prices can result in more profits for businesses, which can enhance stock prices. Of course, there are no guarantees, but historically, the stock market has produced returns that have outperformed inflation.

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