Today’s topic is human trafficking. There’s a global hazard in exploiting humans for forced labor and commercial sex slavery.

Human Trafficking Overview Speech:
Human trafficking is deeply rooted modern slavery affecting over 40 million people globally as I speak this very second. It is a 150 billion dollars illegal industry that preys on the weak, to enrich the inhumane and the power drunk. Human traffickers are mostly financially wolfish people deriving liquid wealth from the tormenting control of captured victims. Trafficked victims are mostly vulnerable, poor, displaced, parentless or abused young humans who are desperate for instantaneous, emergency help.

Traffickers have mastered the act of using romance, extreme flattery, unprecedented financial assistance, illicit drugs and endless promises to portray a savior position prior to isolating, controlling, misusing and monetizing victims. Females, especially young girls, who are sexually trafficked end up with deadly diseases, cervical cancer, pelvic, bladder and rectal organ prolapse and many have to undergo hysterectomy and other surgeries as early as 20 years old. Many live broken lives emotionally and physically and many die early. When anyone hires the services of an escort or walks into an illicit massage parlor or watches porn, there are chances that that lady is a victim of human trafficking.

Anyone who looks abused, malnourished, avoids eye contact or cannot show you an identification document upon request, may most likely need your immediate help. Human trafficking is a crime that gravely shames the human race. A crime that portrays how dark the world has become. A crime that portrays how much we neglect our neighbor’s cries and enrich our friend’s crimes. A crime that portrays how deeply money has overtaken humanity. A crime that screams unacceptable, unspeakable and abhorrent. A crime that must stop!

Human Trafficking Concluding Speech:
Government must find ways to maximize the risks of human trafficking and make it a very unattractive trade. Simultaneously, every individual should endeavor to practice healthy relationship models that respect the great autonomy and hefty worth of every single human life. Everyone is important. Every life matters. Everyone deserves happiness, joy, peace and wealth. Let’s heighten humanity and minimize classism, ageism, racism, tribalism and all other factors that segregate, dehumanize and regress. The key to a better world will always be humanity. Our world needs a much stronger dosage of healthy love, care and compassion.