The Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) reality TV Drama series started in 2008 and grew to be one of America’s favorite shows on Bravo Television. The lead cast members of the show have changed over the years yet the show has maintained the high level of drama content. There were episodes that seemed scripted and there were episodes that were simply boring. Nonetheless RHOA has been on air for over a decade.
Top 5 Realest Housewives Ever on RHOA:
- Phaedra Parks – Honest, REAL LIFE DRAMA from a LAWYER
- Porsha Williams – Drama and Lots of Sex Appeal
- Kandi Burruss – DRAMA and Hollywood Expertise
- Nene Leakes – DRAAMA sometimes super tackly but almost always drama!
- Kim Zolciak-Biermann – White Girl on the outside, Black girl on the inside DRAMA! Lots of tackiness but necessary diversity.
The show should be nearing extinction as majority of the core cast are losing attraction with age. Many are less relate-able or entertaining. Majority have abused plastic surgery and can’t maintain TV appeal anymore. Nonetheless, if the should were to air for a few more solid seasons, the best cast members would be the above 4 and their offsprings.
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