In a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center from June 5 to 12 2018, a 44% majority of Americans collated from the 2,002 adults who were asked named former President Barack Obama as the best or second-best president of their lifetimes, followed by Bill Clinton named by 33% Americans and 32% for Ronald Reagan. A 19% minority names Donald Trump, however, based on his time spent in office so far, putting him in fourth place. In a similar survey in 2011, Obama was said to have had a close figure of 20% at a similar point in his presidency, 1% ahead of Trump’s current figure.
The age of respondents was said to have been a major determining factor of their choice as a 62% majority of millennials chose Obama as the best of their lifetime. Nevertheless, Obama’s regime didn’t just have a great positive effect on the Americans alone, his assumption of office as the first Black president of the world’s greatest nation had an outstanding effect on people worldwide. One sure fact is that the worldwide ‘Obama effect’ is not one that may be fading away anytime soon.
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