Breaking: How Apple Company Broke Record As The World’s First Company Worth $1 Trillion

Apple Company broke the world record by becoming the first private company to surpass $1 trillion in stock market value on Thursday following its latest surge after reporting strong quarterly earnings. The shares of Apple Company briefly hit $207.05 in late-morning trading, before somewhat retreating. The earnings of Apple Company came after the iPhone maker reported strong earnings late Tuesday that prompted a two-day rally in the share price.

Apple Company

According to reports from Apple Company, 2018’s currently outstanding shares is at 4.83 billion. Apple Company had a head start over Amazon, hitting $900 billion in November last year, while Amazon was also approaching the threshold, surpassing $900 billion in market value as at July 2018. Recommended Read: Facebook Company: Single Biggest One-Day Devaluation Loss In The History Of The Financial Markets.


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The Olatorera Consultancy brand has grown from an ambitious solo-preneur to a team of over 50 people highly assertive on providing the seal and stamp of “Africa’s Best” to great businesses in Africa and beyond. Chief Executive Consultant, Olatorera Oniru is very passionate about seeing businesses succeed and operate optimally. She is also notably passionate about witnessing Africa transformed into one of the world’s greatest continents. Olatorera Consultancy has an annual outline of businesses we work with. We currently do not accept unsolicited applications. To network with the team at Olatorera Consultancy Limited, please add your company to the reviews page here. An Olatorera Consultancy company representative may be in touch with you shortly after reviewing your company’s readiness for business consultation services.

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