Root Canal procedure is bad. I refused to have a root canal procedure despite severe pains. Here is how it all happened. I had a toothache. Very first Ever. Mild at First. Progressed to really severe within a week. Started feeling the pain in the entire right side of my face. Went to the Dentist. Quick Checkup and X-Rays. “Oh you have a small hole in one teeth (teeth 5) and a medium hole in teeth 6 right next to teeth 5. Holes were internal/on the side and not visible with human eyes. “So what do we do?” I asked. “You have to have a root canal”. “What’s That?!”. “Oh it’s teeth surgery. We drill a hole into your teeth and fill it with a metal”. “Oh hell no!”. I’m out.
I started reading everything I possible could on teeth – strengthening my teeth, filling the hole naturally and how to completely avoid any teeth issue ever again. Within one week, my teeth were completely healed and back to normal and have felt very strong ever since. Zero pain. I will go back for an x-ray soon and provide an update on the “hole” the dentist said is only visible via an x-ray. Here’s what I did to re-perfect my teeth and say no to root canal:
1. I needed to load up on calcium and magnesium. Every morning, after oil pulling and mouth washing (point #2 below), I would blend a raw shake of: garlic (kill off any bacteria or what not that may be present in the mouth), ginger (reduce inflammation), moringa powder (load up on calcium), spinach (load up on calcium), agbalumo (load up on calcium) and lemon (it felt like a healthy additive and also helped to liquify the shake). I did this for a full week. P.s. moringa powder, moringa tea and other moringa products are available at All organic and extracted/produced locally in Nigeria. No root canal, I was determined.
2. Gargled coconut oil every morning and evening (right before bed) for a good 20+ minutes. Then gargled mouth wash for a good 2+ minutes. Then lightly brushed my teeth/mouth.
3. Loaded up on multivitamins by taking 2 tablets of Omnium daily. Omnium can now be purchased under the health section of (buy Omnium here)This also helped strenghten my frequent exercises. I had more energy all day long.
4. Completely stopped eating sugar, processed foods and the likes. Need I mention I lost over 5 pounds within that week. Oh and gained my no-root-canal teeth back.
5. I continue to eat relatively well, exercise well, drink lots of warm water daily and drink green tea occasionally.
Want to push your dreams in today’s great-people, good-nations, technology-driven, corruption-stricken, high-potential world? You must read Olatorera Oniru’s 2018 e-book titled Push Your Dreams available now on and on
The Olatorera Consultancy brand has grown from an ambitious solo-preneur to a team of over 50 people highly assertive on providing the seal and stamp of “Africa’s Best” to great businesses in Africa and beyond. Chief Executive Consultant, Olatorera Oniru is very passionate about seeing businesses succeed and operate optimally. She is also notably passionate about witnessing Africa transformed into one of the world’s greatest continents. Olatorera Consultancy has an annual outline of businesses we work with. We currently do not accept unsolicited applications. To network with the team at Olatorera Consultancy Limited, please add your company to the reviews page here. An Olatorera Consultancy company representative may be in touch with you shortly after reviewing your company’s readiness for business consultation services.