Today we are going to have an in depth conversation on Nigeria’s future. What hope do we all have for a new Nigeria?..

Nigeria is at the heart of over 200m people worldwide. Not just Nigerian citizens, but great people of African descent and the world at large who yearn to see greater developments emerge of our great nation. What are the setbacks? Let’s run through some facts. Since Nigeria partially returned to democracy in 1999, over $25 billion dollars has gone into cost of governance in running the national assembly alone as our country’s debt has risen to over $100b today. Nigeria is currently plagued with low production and exports, insufficient power supply, inadequate infrastructure, high illiteracy, low sustainability across board, poor financial management systems and ineffective policies. This leads to a high dependency on importation. High foreign exchange rates. An uncompetitive economy. Modern slavery. And then a toxic system of injustice, mal-education and low ethics whereby 5% of the population thrive affluently and 90% wallow in unspeakable poverty with high desperation to migrate.

What hope do we have for a new Nigeria? Massive, Momentous, unwavering hope. Why? Nigeria remains the world’s highest potential country with great, amazing people as citizens. Nigeria is blessed with high tourism potentials, abundant natural resources and the most resilient, intelligent and capable citizens. A strong focus on Education. Clean and sustainable electricity. Most competent and ethical elections and appointments. Thriving Agricultural sector producing organic healthy food. Prudent financial practices that mandates transparency across every arm of government. And infusing greater humanity across the country, will position Nigeria on the path of progressive macro and micro economics.

Our hope in a new Nigeria is in exceptional leadership with a transformational plan, an unrelenting vision, great love for citizens and deepest hope in the strength of our collective unity, peace, diversity and progress.
The hope for a new Nigeria is within every patriotic Nigerian as we collectively strive for greater leadership, humanity, ethics and unity. Many people say PUSH means ‘Pray Until Something Happens’. I say PUSSH means Push Urgently with Strategies until your Success is Heightened (PUSSH) to a point where you can’t come down even if they tried to bring you down!” We are all pushing for Greater Nigeria and Greater Nigeria we will achieve. Until then, work smart, be at peace, make new friends and live your best life.