#OkadaBan: Top 5 People To Benefit

The Lagos State government has recently placed a ban on commercial motorcycle (Okada) and tricycle (Keke) operators. ( ALSO READ: TOP 3 Achievements of Gov. Sanwo-Olu in 2019). Lagosians have reacted with outrage though the State’s Governor has the best interest of Lagosians at heart. As they are not accustomed to commuting without these means, Lagosians are struggling with transport. On the bright side, here are the top 5 people to benefit from the transport ban.

1. Ride-sharing services

Ridesharing services like Uber, Bolt, OBus and PlentyWaka are experiencing an increase in demand for their services. This is mostly because motorcycle hailing competitors; OPay, MAX and Gokada are also affected by the ban.

2. Lagos State Government

The Lagos State Government has now overcome the hazard of Okada and Keke riders. They can now proceed with their plans to create a Megacity. Transport alternatives and commercial initiatives would be a good place to start.

3. Public Transport Operators

Operators of public means of transportation such as Danfo and Mini Shuttle Buses are having a field day cashing out on the Okada Ban. You can hardly find a half-empty bus, due to an excess of desperate commuters looking to get to their destinations. These buses can now take multiple trips, making maximum returns, especially with their increased transport fares.

4. Private Car Owners

One of the top 5 people to benefit from the Okada Ban is private car owners. You can see car owners converting their cars to commercial vehicles or even picking up passengers on their way home from work. Car owners are gaining from their attempts to fill the vacuum left by the absence of Okadas and Keke.

5. Lagosians

Whether they would like to accept it or not, Lagosians are the most important of the Top 5 people to benefit from the ban. Although the inconveniences are overbearing at the moment, the ban may be worth it soon. Transports conditions will be improved as soon as the state government implements its alternatives . Lagosians can look forward to a Safer, Greater Lagos.

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