Top 3 Reasons “Reality TV Shows” Should Be Pronounced As Non-Reality, Boycotted or Cancelled

Reality TV shows have gained significant prominence in the media space since the early 2000s. Many individuals within Hollywood and around the world have rose to fame from starring in Reality TV Drama series. Unknown to many viewers, reality TV shows are not always “reality”. In fact, most “reality” TV shows are non-reality and extremely fake. Reality TV shows today infuse glamour and wealth, with life challenges and relationship drama.

Top 3 Reasons Reality TV Shows Should Be Off Air Or Pronounced Non-Reality:

  • Many former reality TV participants have been diagnosed with depression, mental ailments and related sicknesses. Some reality TV show participants committed suicide.
  • Cosmetic surgery is heavily and unfortunately on the rise in modern times. Many young girls aspire to look more like the fake reality-tv participants. Damaging their health and enduring very risky and life-threatening side effects in the process.
  • Every business has a moral liability to be transparent. Reality TV shows must be no different. If it truly reflects wholesome reality, behind the scenes information must be released to the public.

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