EndSARS Anniversary 2021: The Most Significant Impact Of The Protests

Since 2020, the month of October marks a new anniversary for the EndSARS protests that held throughout Nigeria. The protests were resoundingly thorough whereby millions of youths staged campaigns against inhumane police brutality that had horridly ravaged the country since the nation’s independence in 1960. The End SARS Protests has been noted as one of the best-organized protests in Nigeria’s history. Read More: https://olatorera.com/endsars-nigerians-resume-campaign-to-shut-down-brutal-police-squad/

Impact and Progress from the End SARS Campaign

Notable impact and progress that resulted from the End SARS protests:

  1. According to the Inspector General of Police, reports on Police Brutality has reduced by at least 20%.
  2. Nigeria youth more than ever before, now have a more united voice in calling for better governance.
  3. The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) unit was disbanded by the Nigerian Government. The Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) unit has been commissioned to replace the rogue SARS unit, with a promise not to integrate officers from the old unit into the new.
  4. End SARS initiated an era of increased advocacy and activism by citizens against the abuse of citizen’s fundamental human rights, trampled upon by government and other public officers.

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