The Diezani Alison Madueke story of massive corruption allegations went viral in Nigeria and around the world. Most people are familiar with the story but are you aware of the many men she made and destroyed? These men lived the high life during Diezani Alison Madueke’s 6+ years in political powers in Nigeria. Men such as former president Goodluck Jonathan are extremely lucky they have so far escaped the dangers of the aftermath of corrupt leadership. Goodluck Jonathan was the president who conspired and allowed Diezani Alison Madueke to swindle billions of dollars out of the Nigerian economy. Revenue that should have been poured into enhancing infrastructure, tourism and other economic development activities, instead went into the purchase of luxury and insane flamboyant wealth for Diezani Alison Madueke and the many men she loved. The below are the most recognized men that enjoyed wealth with Diezani and now have their reputations ruined to tatters:
- Alison madueke – Diezani’s husband, life will never be the same, his name follows her everywhere she goes.
- Kola Aluko – A fugitive and now living a poor man outside Nigeria (once Switzerland, last seen Mexico).
- Olajide Omokore – Now a Criminal under continuous Economic and Financial Crimes investigation.
- Donald Chidi Amamgbo – Once he became associated with Diezani’s corrupt malpractices, his wealth and status in life came crashing down under Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.
- Benedict Peters – Still linked to Diezani, his name was recently removed from EFCC’s most wanted list but the damage has already been done to his reputation.
- Walter Wagbatsoma – Less than 50 years old and spending the next 3 years of his life in jail with a lot of his properties seized, his wealth significantly reduced and his reputation tarnished for life.
- Bernard Otti – Former Managing Director of Nigeria’s NNPC. Ever since he was linked to Diezani’s corruption and massive loot of Nigeria’s finances, he has remained a disliked man, wanted by EFCC with his reputation destroyed.
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