Why Nigeria Cannot Continue With A Covid-19 Lockdown

Many citizens are clamoring for Nigeria to fully re-open all places of business. African countries such as Tunisia and Rwanda are fully open and no longer at risk of any covid-19 related economic lockdown. Certainly the necessity for the lockdown was felt – many older politicians such as Abba Kyari and Abiola Ajimobi passed on; many are additionally ill in hospitals around the nation. Nonetheless, hundreds of thousands more citizens are experiencing increased pain and hardships from the lockdown which has led to many deaths and will lead to more in years to come if the lockdown is not urgently lifted.


Top 5 Reasons Nigeria Cannot Continue With A Covid-19 Lockdown:

  1. We cannot afford it. The Nation’s revenue has been in decline since the lockdown and loans have been on the rise. Nigeria’s debt is currently over 33 Trillion Naira and increasing daily.
  2. Most politicians who are lawmakers and policy enforcers are very financially comfortable and thus can afford to pay more attention to Covid-19 than to the economy. Hardworking contractors, employees and entrepreneurs cannot afford for the country to wallow in debt as 80% of the population sinks further into poverty.
  3. Many more citizens are dying due to economic hardship than due to Covid-19. Domestic deaths have increased and thousands of beggars have taken to the streets.
  4. 98%+ of Covid-19 deaths in the country are of citizens well above the life expectancy age of the nation. The rest of the population remain largely affected by factors related to the lockdown and not by Covid-19.
  5. Many businesses owned by or connected to politicians have opened or remained opened while others are closed and many have shut down completely due to covid-19 related bankruptcies. Eko Hotel and Lagos Continental hotel are few of the businesses that have opened despite rising covid cases while others remain shut.

What Nigeria Can Do Instead:

Lockdown senior citizens and all others at risk. They must maintain full isolation, wearing of masks and social distancing. Living activities must go on normally for the rest of the population.

Push Your Dreams

“Push Your Dreams” is an Electronic Non-Fiction Book of inspiring and powerful educational extracts authored by Olatorera Oniru“Push Your Dreams” has 365 pages filled with powerful sparks to help you grow fast into an influential master of business and life. Available now on Olatorera.com and on Amazon.com.

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Olatorera Consultancy is a modernistic venture combining deeply-rooted knowledge on Africa’s culture and challenges plus close relationships with topmost leaders to promote development. We provide consultancy, business development and advisory services to notable companies and high net-worth individuals. 

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